The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development;

Brief overview of project data:
Project title: “Improved framework conditions for safe and healthy work”

Duration of the project: 01.09.2021 — 30.06.2022
Beneficiary of the project: membership-based non-commercial non-profit legal entity “Business Georgia”, which has been operating since 2020 and works within the framework of labor and environmental policy;

Purpose: „Business Association of Georgia“ (BusG) enables its member companies to improve general safe and healthy working conditions through specialist training, consulting services, political dialogue and public relations.

The achieved results are:

Outcome 1 BusG has developed the following services based on demand from companies:

  1. a) providing operational services based on the needs of companies on issues of labor legislation, both online and by ensuring the direct involvement of experts;
  2. b) implementation of initial training modules for newly hired employees in the companies, which excludes accidents as much as possible;

c) a concept has been developed for the analysis of accidents and their maximum avoidance in other companies, for which an electronic portal will be created for the public use of information of an analytical nature of accidents;

As a second result, recommendation approaches have been developed for the purpose of perfecting the labor safety policy, which includes the development of labor norms based on the specifics of the region through the joint efforts of public organizations operating in the Adjara region;

Within the framework of the mentioned, it is possible to have a positive influence on the industrial policy of labor safety and to develop a unified practice, including the implementation of joint educational activities, as well as the submission of joint proposals to the relevant authorities;


Specific action recommendations defined within the second result:

  • To improve the qualification level of labor safety specialists;
  • Legislation to improve the supervision system;
  • on the development of state consultation mechanisms;
  • on maximum separation of functions of controlling bodies;
  • Systematic approaches to assessing the state of labor safety;